Historic, Archive Document
Do not assume content reflects current
scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.
Hemerocallis (Daylily)
The Supreme Weatherproof Perennial
Hemerocallis will thrive anywhere from pole to pole as they are the easiest of all
plants to grow, either in partial shade or full sun, dry or wet soil.
When established in your gardens, border or landscaping they will endure beyond a
century. They are unmolested by either blight or insect pest.
An established plant produces 8 or more bloom stalks, each stalk producing 10 to
30 or more blooms. The foliage is attractive from early spring until late autumn.
Varieties drift into four large groups, one starting to open as the other fades. Thus
Hemerocallis can be planted anywhere at anytime and when in bloom the Amaryllis-like
flowers command the lively attention of those who love the beautiful.
It can justly be called the “perfect flower.”
A. J. Crawford—-One of the finest. Large, brilliant in combi-
nation of apricot and cadmium yellow on 86 in. stems all
through July § 7
Apricot—Fragrance is something added to the beauty of a flower
and makes it more attractive. The light apricot-orange blooms
Apricot are fragrant. If you wish this Hemerocallis to
bloom earlier it should be planted in full sun. If later bloom-
ng is desired, it should be in partial shade. This rule applies
to all varieties 24
Bijou—Has a plentitude of not large blooms, orange, tinged
with red. Is valuable in the Rock Garden .39
Craped Petals—This lemon-yellow hemerocallis with its wrinkled
petals and large blooms is in a class by itself. It shines with a
halo all its own 39
D. D. Wyman—Petals of golden yellow, overlaid with rich
mahogany splashes. Established plants are loaded with large
dlooms in July and Aug. 39
Dumortieri—Blooms in June with the Iris. Rich cadmium yellow
Howers with bronzy-yellow reverse. 18 to 24 in... 19
Dr. Regal—One of the most delightful of the early group of
Hemerocallis. The orange-yellow flowers are very fragrant 24
Fragrant Flava—The scented Lemon Lily of our grandmother’s
It flowers in June on stems 234 ft. Has a clear, full yellow hue.
Three years ago an executive of an oil refining company pur-
~hased of us 300 Fragrant Flava to border the driveway to his
garage. He states that ‘“‘when in bloom last year the plants were
a broad ribbon of brilliant lemon-yellow color, filling the air with
an exceptionally pleasing fragrance.”
fulva—Across the road from our farm a house fell to ruins more
than fifty years ago. The cellar walls are outlined with tangled
vines and shrubs which extend back a score or more of feet.
And throughout and outlining the mass, the ‘‘old fashioned
Daylily” Fulva reigns supreme. It has existed and extended
its occupation at this home site for more than a century and a
quarter. It has large, coppery-orange flowers, shaded crimson.
July. Stems 3 ft. _ Pehos cores Laan nitigel
George Yeld—Large, open flowers of rich orange, flushed rose,
intensifying to deep red toward the throat, with a deep yellow
star at the throat. 3 to 4 ft. July-Aug. Seen Boe ey
Her Highness—Wide-open recurved blooms of pure gold color on
stems up to 48 in. July-August . .39
Hyperion—One of the largest, measuring 7 inches across. Waxy,
firm flowers of soft, canary-yellow. Admitted one of very best,
“surpassing all others in size, form, color and substance.”
Many delightfully fragrant blooms. 3 to 4 ft. July-Aug...... .49
Kwanso—It is my opinion that no flowering plant of any species
yields a more lovely bloom than the only double Hemerocallis
Kwanso. With its rich golden-bronze, double flowers coming
in July and August, it presents an especial charm to any posi-
tion in the garden, border or landscape picture . = .29
Mikado-—Leads in popularity of the eyed types. Its color is
orange with a broad spot of mahogany on each petal—a bold,
striking color contrast. Large blooms in July on stems 36 in.
tall. Has a gay appearance. Is a prodigious bloomer... +29
Mildred—A very smooth and even deep orange color. Broad
petals, fine form and free blooming .. +39
Milwaukee Orange—A wonderful flower, trumpet shaped and pure
deep orange in color. 30 in. July and August ‘ Serle oOo.
Mrs. A. H. Austin—This notable variety originated with Betscher.
It has large flowers of deep, golden yellow on 3 ft. stems in
July and Aug. . zs : 3 Pore = : 29
Olive—Blooms all through August. A silvery yellow with olive-
brown eye zone...... > 7 Nie Ces TE AOU cose
Ophir—A lovely true golden yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers.
Large with an amazing succession of blooms on stems up to 4
ft. Must be grown to be appreciated eahiva aes. +29
Rajah—A sturdy plant with brilliant, flame-scarlet blooms. Dis-
plays a vivid triangular throat area of Brazil red. The large
flowers are elegantly shaped, gorgeously dark colored and freely
produced on 4 ft, stems in July and August : -. A9
Serenade—The petals are interestingly twisted and crinkled.
They carry light, pastel shades of yellow and pink with a
faint halo in a deeper tone. Above 3 ft. in June 69 |
Sir Michael Foster—This is one of the best of the group of fra-
grant varieties. The blooms are large, ruffled, of clear empire-
yellow, without marks of any kind 39 |
Soudan—A soft lemon-yellow that is brilliant, “pure and un-
defiled.” The flowers are of perfect form with slightly waved,
waxy edges, large and fragrant Ae ees AD
Sunny West—The East looks forward to the West; the West
reminisences of the East. We have from the sunny mid-west
a Hemerocallis with immense flowers of wax-like substance,
borne on very tall, branching stems. It is one of the last to
bloom in Sept. Originated by Sass of Nebraska Dee eta... 89
The Gem—Comes in June and July on 3 ft. stems, finely formed,
rich, deep orange-yellow flowers...........-- Fae as etn eetre 29
Vesta—A just enough flush of orange red at the center of this
lovely flower intensifies the brilliant, deep cadmium yellow
eolor and makes it a great favorite. Its color has been called
a “glittering golden orange”..... 29
Wau-Bun—The best of the long-flowering season varieties (Dr.
Stout), beginning to bloom in July and sometimes continues
right up to frost. The twisted petals are a new, soft yellow,
sprinkled with traces of red, giving the 6 in. blooms a unique
and outstanding appearance. Stems up to 3 ft...............- 69
Winsome—Another attractive and fragrant Hemerocallis, origi-
nating in Europe. A dainty, soft, creamy yellow........-... 39
Every Sunday morning we make up a basket of flowers for the
cemetery. Always a few blooms of whichever variety of Hemero-
callis happens to be in flower are used to give distinction.
Gorgeous Oriental Poppy
I like Oriental Poppies—even the “‘old fashioned red.” A clump
- any of them will make the other flowers in the garden “stand
it’ in a way to be talked about. They bloom freely and do well
in any sunny spot in the garden. An established clump will bear
a dozen or more flowers, of gigantic size and gorgeous coloring,
~arying from crushed raspberry to old rose, from deep red to
>range, from mulberry to white and from salmon to pink.
The Oriental Poppies bloom with the Irises in happy association,
forming a striking and lovely garden picture.
Fairy—Refined pure pink flowers, dainty and lovely nih SLe
Glowing Embers—Rich red, crinkled petals. Distinct foliage -15
Lord Lambourne—Deeply fringed petals, scarlet with hjack... 5
May Sadler—Immense flowers of buff pink. One of the best... .15
Mrs. Ballego—Large, salmon-pink with black spots at base.... 1S
Mrs. Perry—Bright strawberry-pink. Blooms early..........-- 15
Olympia—Only double poppy, red petals, no blotch. Early... UG;
Orientale—Scarlet. The “old fashioned” variety. Vigorous 15
Perfection—Dark pink petals. Late blooming .. y. 5S
Perry's White—White petals with slight touch of pink at base.. .15
Purity—The finest of all pink poppies. No markings...... A5
Wurtembergia—Bright, silky red petals. Largest blooms...... 15
Oriental Poppy Plants mailed from Aug. Ist Only
Hardy Phlox
Africa—A very attractive scarlet 25 : a ‘ 15
Bridesmaid—White with pink eye : , 15
Border Queen—A good grower with large, pure pink flowers $ ve
Daily Sketch—Salmon-pink with carmine eye : 3 :
Europa—One of the white varieties with a crimson eye : 15
Leo Schlogeter—Large trusses, scarlet, dark crimson eye..... A5
Mrs. Jenkins—A fine, early pure white : Sis .2u ae
Painted Lady—Silver-pink shaded salmon, Cherry red eye.... AS
Rheinlander—A very beautiful salmon pink aS rage A5
Starlight—Violet red, shading to lilac, white center 15
Thor—Salmon-pink shaded scarlet, analine red eye Pe eee hee Se 4)
Yon Hochberg—One of the very best of the real dark reds . $15
Widar—Light violet, pink tinge, white center.........--. Pat se
The First Customer
from each of the 48 states had the order doubled.
When all the states were represented by a first cus-
romer we started again to double the order of the second
frst customer from the forty-eight states. This plan is
repeated for the entire year.
No matter when you order your plants you have a
chance to have your order doubled—even to late in the
fall. Luck may come your way. Somebody wins. :
In any case you receive generous value together with
the gift plants which are always included and adjusted
to the amount of your order. The larger the order the
more liberal the gifts.
The Iris will thrive in any soil anywhere and can
successfully be planted either Spring, Summer or Fall.
You cannot realize my great surprise and pleasure in having my
order for plants doubled. You see I did not happen to read your
item “The First Customer” until after I had received my plants.
My “chance” came unknown to me and I thank you sincerely.—
Mrs. J. H. C., Iowa.
A. B. Katkamier, Macedon, N. Y.
Perennial Flowering Plants
Achillea—Rose Milfoil, finely cut leaves, pink flowers.......-- $ .15
Anthemis—Hardy Marguerite, Perry’s variety. The best..... AS
Armeria—Sea pink, blooms early, fine for Rock Garden........ 15
Artemisia Lactiflora—Sweet-scented, creamy-white flowers..... «15
Artemisia—Silver King.
foliage :
Most valuable garden plant. Gray
Ajuga—Bronzy foliage. Best ground : cover. Part coun a
Pardes Bais 15
Fare be > Arie A
Aquilegia (Columbine)—Mixed colors .. fo. SL oats 15
Auchusa Myosotidflora—Covered with beautiful, rich, blue flowers,
like the Forget-Me-Not, during April and May. Fine for the
Rock Garden. 10 in. high... gitar. Sac aMe ne Caste = si 25
Bachelor Button—Perennial. Violet blue flowers ..... cures)
Black-Eyed-Susan—This perennial blooms profusely ae A65
Chinese Lantern Plant—Orange scarlet......-......-+++s++-5: 15
Coreopsis—Rich golden yellow. Valuable for cutting.......... 15
Delphinium, Chinese—Dwarf, intense blue............ SOL
Delphiniam—Gold Medal Hybrids in various colors............ .15
Dicentra—Eximea. Fringed foliage, blooms all summer........ .20
Feverfew—A most useful summer cut flower................ 15
Gaillardia—Red brown crimson, orange and vermillion. . ss 5
Elder Daisies—Early. White and valuable ............. 15
Helianthus—Perennial sunflower. Cut flowers............. bee yeh O
Heliopsis—Hardy Zinnia. Golden flowers ie rite eeene 31S
Hesperis—Sweet Rocket. Fragrant flowers in showy spikes.... .15
Heuchera—Coral Bells, red, pink, white. Bloom freely -20
Lathyrus—Hardy Sweet Pea. Rose color .............- 15
Liatris—Gayfeather. Long spikes, rich purple......... 155
Linum Perenne—Flax. Delightful blue flower Pole 15
Monarda Didima—Here is a beautiful flower; fragrant 15
Mullein Pink—Rose-of-Heaven. Crimson flowers.
Nepeta Catmint—Blooms all summer............
Physostegia Grandiflora—Vivid rosy mauve.. hee oll
Phlox Subulata Rosea—Intense deep rose...............00005. 15.
Pyrethrum—Painted Daisy. White to deep red. Early la
Shasta Daisy—Glistening white flowers............ naor 15
Sedum—Spectabilie. Rose colored flowers in fall.... Peo ae
Spider-Wort Blue—Continues long in bloom .................. 15
Tunica—Double pink. Blooms profusely all summer...... ot RLS
Veronica Incana—Dusty Miller leaves, blue flowers............ 15
Viola Rosina—Reddish blooms, very fragrant
Viola—Jersey Gem. Rich violet. Blooms eight months
Lily Bulbs
Umbellatum—Rich orange red, free flowering. Large......... $.20°
Trigrinum — Rich salmon-orange, spotted with glossy black,
robust growth, easy culture 2.00). .22. Fi ees =. ony
Tenuifoliam—Coral lily, deep scarlet. Border or rock garden.. .15
Funkia or Plantation Lily :
Subcordata Grandiflora—Pure white. Lily shaped, very fragrant. r
August P
Lancifolia — Long, lilac-blue flowers.
(Ariston arth tear era Gouri leis soe Sees 6 f
Variegata—Variegated foliage, blue flowers
narrow green
Eulalia Variegata—Ornamental perennial grass, green foliage ;
ss lengthwise with creamy white. Six feet tall, very
showy Sec 25
Dictamnus Gas Plant—Showy, hardy perennial bush, 2 ft. high, :
fragrant foliage and spikes of rosy pink flowers............. 25
Japanese, Kaempheri or Oriental are beautiful Iris by whatever
name called. We have ten varieties with double flowers at 15 cents
each. Assorted colors. £
“Thanks for your unique ‘Iris News.’ I study it and wish so
much I could see your Iris and Rock Gardens. Will be glad to re-
ceive the attached order of plants.”
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About the only way to have plenty of flowers in late fall and early
winter is to grow Chrysanthemums. They are easy of culture and
the hardy varieties come before the killing frosts.
Adironda—Bronze, aster type, golden reverse.............-- $ .15
Algonquin—Called the best yellow Mum..............-..0-055 15
Argenteuillais—Bronzy flowers, tipped gold. Superb.......... .15
Astrid—Single. Bloom is shell-pink and old-rose............. 15
Autumn Lights—Coppery-bronze and gleaming orange........ 15
Bronze Button—Very productive of flower heads......... re ed
Burgundy—Rich crimson with deeper tone in center ........ 15
Canary—Aster flowered deep yellow... ... 15
Capt. Cook—A brilliant shade of rose pink .... a5.
Chestnut Bur—Deep chestnut red........... Ber)
Clara Curtis—Bushy habit. Deep rose-pink flowers........... .15
Crimson Glory—Ear!y pompon, very bright crimson........ Me 16
Waxzler—Cardinal reds... .-.<cpjow We kiele oeinig si sis we eee os 5 ee
Early Bronze—Orange bronze. Blooms from September till frost .15
Eden—Bright rose .... Malte os thee Sa Pid cat to peed ee “15
Frances Whittlesey—Rich bronze and garnet .............. Pe
Glomero—Medium size, orange, rose sheen... ohare. ste af 15
Granny Scoville—Warm coral bronze color. Large...... vane AS
farvest—=(000 |. PEON Zee c sh Gis okt aiaiels wee wine minions aE Bee SAAT ol 15
Indian Maid—Deep orange terra cotta... 0.066... eee eee eens 15
Iridescent—Combines various shades of yellows and pinks...... .15
Jean Cummings—Large, pure white flowers........ Biotest 18
Jean Treadway—Pink with dark center, beautiful foliage...... .15
King Midas—Yellow, one of the best... 15
Lilian Doty—Good deep pink. A stan i, 015.
Little Bob—Early. Profusion bronze-red buttons ............. 15
Marion Hatton—Very early canary yellow. Excellent..... a kG
Mary Pickford—White, tiny flowers in great clusters. yak G.
Murilla—Old rose, floriferous and always admired........ 15
Muskogee—Early, purplish-rose. Compact, bushy growth. . 15
Old Gold—Orange yellow, deepening to old gold at center..... .15
Orchid Beauty—Orchid with deeper tone in center........ Hoa 4d
QOuray—Dark mahogany. 2% inches in diameter...... 5 15
Provence—Soft pink, blended yellow.............. 15
Rapture—Deep orange-bronze with carmine suffusion 15
Red Flare—The first bright red garden variety. Floriferous... .15
Pink Dot—Dwarf, light pink .......... 15
Romany—Carmine red with gold reverse 15
Rose Beauty—Deep rose, button type .... baer angs) 14
Rosy Gem—Bright pink or rose color.......... 2.26... s.s05-- as
Ruth Cummings—Rich reddish bronze. Best all around variety .15
Ruth Hatton—Clear ivory white when fully opened............ 15
Summer Gold—Large, beautiful golden yellow.. 15
Sunkist—Bright dark orange, early... 15
Vivid—Color American Beauty Rose. . aoe tS
Wellgo we Gemti=BiUtton - 49 De. oo. cs 7o.- ous, cdescinasis. csausiy, a sTasei aeaieyelerePors 15
Hardy Singles
Cavalier—Deep wine color...........0.cccccsaccsnecnes ~.3$ 15
Grenadier—Crimson scarlet............ Soret
Indian Maid—Deep orange terra-cotta,............+..0++ sith, AG
Louise Schling—Glowing salmon red, bright yellow center...... 15
Sun Flower—Rich orange yellow. webct e sense eenen ees eeeenes 15
Early Flowering Cushion Varieties
PinkeciC Gahion’ Amelia. cise. oo sinc sete tt sie eicinje iw ade nee dale we elole $ .15
Rose Cushion Amelia 15
Bronze Cushion Ame 15
Golden Cushion Ameli ely
PISO CRAIG TI CANT OHG. sytesiets chutes cicte cb ic-ocansce eles. oitiertefeteishs) fore 15
PA DONO LONE LOO spc tais eis tia lated air cas sreraarn ofatel> sinning) alas $ .15
Ceres—Old gold blended with yellow. . eames!
Daphne—Lilac rose...........-.....- sO 3
Mars—Deep amaranth red..... bogee(
Innocence—White tinted pink................... AB Acc DOORS 15
Sal L Ay ree 12
The Lincoln Collection
of Ten Colorful Hardy and Outstanding Iris
only $1. The greatest value ever offered.
Make your own selection of ten varieties
from this list. You can’t go wrong.
Albright—The new orchid-pink Iris that pleases......--.++-* mk)
Allure—Canary yellow, overlaid opalescent pink. Ruffled... . 19
Avatar—S. buff; F. pansy violet, 3 ft. Fragrant, brilliant... .19
Baldwin—A lovely shade of violet. Very large flowers ..---- 19
Buto—S. royal purple; F. dark velvety violet. Likeable .... .19.
Challenger—Dark purple to blackish violet. Large, good.... 19
Churchmouse—A wonderful new color—Hay’s Brown. See it .19
Dr. C. H. Mayo—A pink toned bicolor. Fragrant. Popular,. .19
King Tut—S. brownish; F. velvety glowing red. Admired... 19
Mme. Cheri—Violet ; pink and yellow undertone. Pleasing... -19
Nymph—The best early yellow. Free flowering........5>> 19
Old Gold—A fine yellow plicata. An unusual color... - 19
Omaha—This is the nearest to red, bright orange beard 19
Pluie D’Or—(Golden Rain) Solid golden yellow... 0.8 es05*+ 19
Refulgence—Two shades violet-blue with bronze. Blooms late .39
Rameses—New blend. S. light russet; F. tourmaline pink... .19
Sir Galahad—S. and F. pansy violet. Tall, large, fragrant... 19
Valor—Largest, richest, blackish blue-violet .....5.-5-.4-5- 319
Venus de Milo—Gigantic pure snow white ....-..-+-+++-++> 19
Vesper Gold—Distinct yellow with soft violet Aus hs. :.- tas Fie _ AS
White Queen—Snow white flower. Long blooming season ... .19
The total cost of these 21 varieties when introduced was $435.00.
Now only $2. Make your garden fascinating. ¢
Or you may have the entire list of
21 varieties for $2
The Lincoln Collection of Iris will glorify
your garden for many years.
A. B. Katkamier, Macedon, N. Y.
“Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who
knew me best, that I plucked a thistle and planted a
flower wherever I thought a flower would grow.”
Planting Suggestions
Elaborate planting instructions often prove a nuisance.
There is only one general rule to follow: Place the plant in the
ground about as it originally grew. Iris with the rhizome thigh’
part of rovl——just covered itn soll, ans sol firmed dris—w2tt 2 es
transplanted any time from early spring until late fall. Don’t wait~{
get them planted. Some varieties have large, fleshy rhizomes ; some
quite small.
For Peonies—It doesn’t matter much how the roots are placed if
the eyes or buds of the plant, where they sprout from the thick
root, are not placed more than two inches deep from the level)
Oriental Poppies should have an inch of soil above where the
buds or sprouts start from the roots. They may not show much signs
of growth until spring.
Other perennials are easily planted, following the old-time gar-
dener’s rule—leaves and stems in the air, roots in the ground.
If fertilizer is needed, sprinkle bone meal or Vigoro on the top
to the roots.
Bleeding-Heart—Grandmother’s favorite flower and no modern
Aower excelasit in, beauty: 3. ces visto o's susiereleie aes Olere a erates $.25
What They Say
“Living in a locality where wind and dry weather make it diffi-
cult to grow flowers of any kind, I find the Iris will do best of all,
so I am sending to you for six of ‘your dollar collections as
follows . . .”—Mrs. F. R.
“T bought my first collection of Iris from you nearly twenty years
oe I ESE them and enjoy them each year when they bloom.”
—Mrs. M. S. W.
“Please don’t let me miss an ‘Iris News’.’’—Mrs. N. T., Elida,
N. Mex.
“Words are futile to describe the beautiful colors of the last col-
lection of Iris I purchased of you. My garden is larger than I can.
tend alone so I hired a gardener one day a week to keep it in good
order. I am a working woman, also housewife and mother. My
flowers have been a blessing and recreation to me through the years
—some of them rather lean.” ;
“I bought Iris plants of you eighteen years ago. They are still
Boome: sae garden border and as beautiful and lovely as ever.”
—Mrs. W. D.
“Thank you very much for the lovely plants you sent me. I will
always have something to remember you by.’’—Mrs. L. P. t
“One of the poppy plants bought of you last fall did not grow
this spring but late this summer it gave forth a nice, thrifty plant.
which now has three large buds.’—Mrs. E. M. G. g
Two Heart-full Letters
They speak volumes for flower gardens.
“TI have loved ones in the service and in the war industries. From
overwrought nerves I find courage and relief in working among
my flowers. I love them more dearly than ever.’—Mrs. E. J. K. —
“‘A loved one has been ‘missing in action’ for fifteen months. Our
garden is a great consolation to my husband and myself during this_
anxious time.”—Mrs. A. L, R. f
“Mr, Katkamier: In memory of our soldier boy who
will never come back, I am building a garden park for
him, centered with a cement shaft on which there will
be a flag by day and a light by night. I want flower
to bloom around the shaft during spring, summer andl
fall and look to you for the plants.”—J. W. T.
Take Notice
Make your selection now from the above described
groups. They are 50 cents each or five groups for $2.
Each group is a real bargain.
Perennial plants may be transplanted any time
before ground is permanently frozen. Plants may be
mulched first winter with straw, excelsior, etc.
A. B. Katkamier
Dedicated To All Who Enjoy the Great Out of Doors Particularly Those
We Are Immortal
The greatest thought that can enter the mind is the
idea of a spirit-life beyond the grave, to continue in
I believe that the charm of the beautiful things of life
and nature are a preface to the glorious features of the
great beyond. May we all look more and more for the
ever-present beautiful.
My grave will be under a spreading maple tree in our
Quaker cemetery. The chemical elements of my body
will nourish the roots, the branches, the buds, and the
leaves of the tree. In the springtime the bees will
gather nectar from its opening blossoms; and in the
luscious maple honey there will my spirit-soul be found,
as in all ambrosial delights.
Through the procession of the seasons I will be in
the gorgeous iris, the appealing rose, the nodding poppy,
the stately chrysanthemum and in the multitude of
other fiowers, in their fascinating fragrances and in
each seed with its urge to reproduce, that succeeding
plants may grow and bloom. And in autumn, when
the maturing leaves take on their lovely colors, there
will I be in each Nature-painted leaf.
I will be in the curve of the rainbow with its hues
of promise, in the rose-tints of the morning and in the
glorious sunset with its deep purples, its iridescent
greens, its reds, its gold, and its cerulean blue.
I will be in the balmy breeze, the refreshing water,
the invigorating air, the impressive mountain, the
pleasant valley, the picturesque landscape, the fruitful
soil, the boundless sea, the brilliant, developing light of
the sun, the quiet light of the moon and in the countless
stars sparkling in endless space—there will I be to
appreciate and wonder.
I will be in the cheerful song of birds, in hearty
laughter and in the harmony of all melodious sounds.
I will be in the art of the mind and the artistry of
the hand, in the glad greeting of friends, the responsive
touch of personality, the provocative flash of eyes, the
ecstatic kiss of lovers, the smiles of children, the buoy-
ancy of youth, the comforting caress of mothers and
the understanding fellowship of fathers.
I will be in the happiness of conversation, the inspira-
tion of good words, the performance of neighborly
deeds—wherever there is willing help, steadfast Toyalty,
confiding faith, thoughtful kindness, the thrill of joy
and the perfection of beauty.
Being alive to the grandeur of Nature and the good
in people is Heaven on earth.
And thus, exploring the unknown mystical future,
continuing and advancing my earth-life, evolved into
the Gracious Over-soul—there will my spirit-soul be
found having a share with all mankind in the eternity
of bliss. This is PARADISE.
For the Life of Yesterday goes on Today and
throughout all Time.
Morning and evening do I meditate “on these things.”
A. B. Katxamrer, Macepon, N. Y.
(Copyright Applied For)
Personal Letter to Our Readers
I Dear Flower—loving Friends:
So many of you have asked us for some flowering plant
that would be permanent when established in your gardens.
: After experience and observation we conclude that
Intended feeb ys tacks (Daylily) is the answer. Read about them in this
ris News.
iy the May we also recommend our $1 group collections of Iris
Should and our Ses teebere Rete s: geer te bulbs. Notice that you
; receive 6 o e groups for $5 and 5 of the 50
Dig perennials for $2. : Sat ae ae
nm The prices in this issue of "Iris News"
a aces ws" cancel all former
1 e
Should you receive extra copies of "Iris News"
In hand them to garden friends. 5 We scase
We endeavor to send live plants worth the price paid.
Future issues of "Iris News" can be sent only to recent
We have no control over shipping, garden or weather condi
C n ; , itions.
Soil If something is wrong with your order please ippi
fee ena y p return shipping
Chaice customers and to prospective customers.
Believin t
i g we are soon to have a
a z ed eater: more beautiful and
IEE Cordially yours,
Macedon, N. Y.
who Love Beautiful Flowers
Moving Pictures
i lor taken at our Flower Gardens on the screen.
‘ Our Gardens are within 20 miles of the Kodak Camera
Factories at Rochester, N. Y. and people for miles
around are unusually camera minded. :
In the past few years hundreds of color movie films
have been taken of our Gardens in bloom at different
periods of the year — Tulips, Iris, Oriental Poppies,
Peonies, Chrysanthemums, etc. :
Recently we received the following letter from a
customer at Peoria, IIl.: i Be
“J wish you could see my color movie film of Iris in
bloom at my ‘Hillcrest’ Gardens. I ordered your entire
set of $1 Collections (listed in the attached copy of our
‘Tris News’) and used them to form a border of 350 ft.
frontage. I suggest to all who admire my flowers that
they send to Katkamier for their plants.”
Look This List Over
You may find what you long have been searching for.
For 50 Cents
(Sent Any Way You Choose)
You may have any one of the following group offers
sent labeled and postpaid right to your mail box.
YES, you may have 5 of the groups for $2.
You Can’t Miss
5 Aquilegia Assorted; 5 Armeria; 5 Artemisia
(Silver King or Lactiflora); 5 Real Black Eyed
Susan; 5 Blue Flax; 5 Bachelor Button; 5 Coreopsis;
5 Anthemis; 5 Ajuga Reptans; 3 Bleeding Heart
(Old Fashioned); 3 Bleeding Heart (Eximea); 5 Del-
phinium (Chinese); 4 Delphinium (G. P.); 5 Fever-
few; 5 Gaillardia; 5 Heliopsis; 5 Helianthus; 5 Hes-
peris; 3 Heuchera (Coral Bells); 4 Kaempheri (Jap
Tris); 5 Daisies (Elder); 5 Daisies (Shasta); 4
Daisies (Painted); 8 Hemerocallis Assorted; 3
Funkia Assorted; 4 Lily Tenuifolium; 4 Tigrinum.
5 Liatris; 5 Lathyrus; 5 Lanterns (Chinese); 5
Monarda; 4 Milfoil Rosea; 4 Napeta; 6 Physostegia
Grandiflora; 5 Pink Mullein; 5 Phlox Subulata
Rosea; 5 Phlox Divaricata, Spring; 4 Phlox, Hardy
Fall; 5 Poppy (Assorted Oriental); 6 Sedum As-
sorted; 6 Sempervivum Assorted; 5 Spiderwort; 4
Tunica, Double Rose; 10 Tulip Bulbs Assorted; 12
Gladiolus Bulbs, Assorted; 5 Veronica Incana; 3
Violet Double Russian.
If we are out of some varieties of plants in your order we will use
a similar or more beautiful variety of the same or greater value.
We aim to send live plants worth the price. We have no control
over shipping, garden or weather conditions. We try, however, to
meet the reasonable wishes of our customers. In case something is
wrong with your order, write, returning the shipping tag.
No hard and fast rule can be offered, as distance apart must be
controlled by conditions. If I wish to establish a “clump” as quickly
as possible I set three Iris plants about four inches from each other
in the form of a triangle. In planting out in the field the distance is
usually 6 to 8 inches apart in the row and the rows 3 to 3% feet
Bee In forming beds or plots, the Iris are usually 8 to 10 inches
Thank you.
“svenattere Are Hun :
varieties of Iri ed
em ris from i :
: : f whic
5 so m garden picture The foeterakctiat oe
te ri any hues, ti . e Mast . colors t onchobar ak
is , tint er A te) Cc ot a :
vat Nie eg called ents ged shades of ati eee ans Sn ln ae ee eS : es—
refer t : ainb col quistador— mee se ee :
ee ede ow Flow ors, that | ‘one =A ean Sone ae a
wider col is as The G er. Some ton Lanta bia SoS ota at eae 3) Ee
Gerd briefly Geers wept satires The lis Coppersmith Gl eens Se ee es ne 3 i aa ax
ens would all the . r flowe ralie—Uni Sere ann nausea in aan gold-tan under- +19 K Sarg eT Ee tne
We wi take seve » varieties o re *Coronation—Ui erie reea Mie oe oes oe bare pele Ric, fe ea cer
not li ill meet the pri ral issues of “ f Iris in ow Cordon es aa ore dee . 3h Torstexous. Fragrant... 29 Rocke rs dank a well Meeown —
sei here. Incl _S of any gro Iris News.” _ Corrida Sky man blue B iate eee ta ae ee ‘ fn me : rd a 2 : ce
€ Pollowit ude same wit wer on an a obs de Chen ue. Perfect f et. Rich effect i adant fac. to se 39 L'Aiel Peer n-buff, tight b Early. Scented........ See me : ae
varieties ing are d : with your ord y variety >» P. Conn ne—Blue with b let. Rich effect in mass. -...... 19 iglon-Tall, jarge, very h ain warm Dink under a cad = Bre i
2 s of Iri _ descriptio rder. Creton ell—A blu oth S. and F. ain hap ren amie 19 Labor—Color ¢ serbarnaned sed seo = on a =
prices a 1S growin . ns of a Cri ne—Bron: e toned self i F. waved li grant. . . Lad olor effect, bi ry handsome deep bronzy Eee verison te su = A
re ad g in quantity i few h Srimson Ki ze purple that is ve like crepe paper +19 y Paramount—i urnished augeeonbronsyebiter i cri ud—S. rich ros Paeseoe i rerant Goad :
wish to be justed to tity in o undred Crusade ing—A dark , red maroon ry pleasing paper .99! LaNiege—A nt—Soft pri red copper onzy blue violet... 19 R imson .. rosy lavend Be ee ee :
autif meet th ° ur field Cry r—Clear b red purp] , orange beard......... - Lareo well fo primrose yel . Beautif iolet... .19 SdsCconeovallake boned pale eree eh elves aro. ‘A as “4 _
: 2 a = oe eee fait sing: eet rgo—Blendi rmed cre yellow. . yt eae ° eRed pe eVellows: tonedahlendl) e; F. vel ood... .1 arieties re
: swer t ome surr sire of th Curiosi auty—La ple. Lar é Howeriie ti eee 1 pink ing old it arose yellow. sssa nossa peeteeees 19 ed Domini eaep cnativennted i ie a “ian Pe
tion is gi o man ; rounding ose wh sity—Dw. rge white, b ge flowers nee, 19 L ENas gold, musta eraUrhiNcAStanis ibn. Red FI: ion—A clear i na en ak aan bar 7 os
‘5 s given r Ly questions gs at littl Oo Cyanea—Dw ‘arf, gray, olive ranching . Fragrant........ 19 ate White—There’s a plac rd yellow, b ragrant. vee 229 Red are—Brilliant ar intense g Bd SARRCOR ON CMP Ce. 1 Many Boog :
is an Iri egarding th the followi ttle cost Dalila—s warf. Metallic ite, branching. 0 -pecretescieverns 19 L. A. Willi SRS at eae , brown and mauve 19 Radiance—N. nt blood-red ; arnet red, almost : » 19 1 of these eerie xhibition Iri icata C °
= = aE | = = ote i sayeth chrfos “at white Inte. Ins mauve Red Wing—Bri ew rich ; golden bi , almos arge quanti varietie: ris Observati ollecti
one color orm color; ption of Iri ‘orma- amozel—S int; F. reddish p Fragrant ses Oi 8 fi %19 ra Hutcheson—Sr and F. vel IE TER Ee eh pole ceitwo sh Pai nud ie oe aa 3 =: : |
= Es i = ris ue ERA th “19 Monascknibecs” n—Spring vety violet ris..... eer E igence—T wi red. S. li ST Re a. a erful collecti thus off ve in ou hat are full experienc .71 for
a variegat sofad color ha . A self hare ess—A glowi ite; F. white b Scented. Garden. Leonid: e—True whit and Fall. P Burpee Seentedeetend 19 peeves FFs deep Screed : on ge oa : a = :
: = is = Te os ia a8 eceoatreatye ite, overlaid urple and cented . ie Rhea—s. lk buff; F of violet-bl h-wine; F. deeper red. very coll oot e foll * in > _ religion, politi ite to disru, ight me that
standard s falls of ade of th ards of Delicata- y free floweri self with v ee Ee et tain 19 Leopold—D nder violet, bri id on F. b Rd polls otek y 19 a—S. lobeli ; F. deep pink ue with b . deeper red ti ollection i owing W garden. iy atanesi Peo : see
: s of so red, br e sam Deli a—Dwarf h wering, Ma very velvety falls..... . Leot warf. Bl , bright orang y faint bl Rhein Ni ia violet; F. pansy viole ronze. Blo That) ies that is made on- The ols and th gees wae
zi He = oe = cae eer eauve glides a—White. B ue purple. A range beard ue... Rhei ixe—S. white; F. dee LR ST at oms late .3 ti are not onl up of out Rreke four speci e other man’ and famili
7 wer mark of yellow ‘ red-purpl 2 Demi Deui a—aA very lov od blue for Ri woes weet eeante oe Leotitia Micha looms for M Tae bicnndat inh Tall a R ingauperle—S e; F. pans Holbieey ot rime cs, 9 ve plant a y beautif: standing Ivi emerocalli ies of flowe . an’s hens in Sad
particular! rked or sti , a plicata i ple and *D euil—S. pansy ovely soft pi ock Gard scented Lieut. C ichaud—Ligh Memorial s in fall. S heintocht: oft pink O y violet. L cee ee Ree ae oh 19 nd flowe ul but t g Iris vari I like thi is (Daylily), O Siar repnies ts
ce a a ery lovely Se ens..... «. 19 ieut. Chavagnac— ght blue shadi Day. Sc . Scented. aa er—An A rehid. arge, late. <u Seth ok r personali hey h Sc his collecti , Oriental P rive me the a
= eee : = = ie oe pe eget 18 Eecte e—Sprin ading ligh ented. Val opine) argined .. moena, S dc sae . Seented 19 nality ave attr. Camelot, ction. oppies, Chr: most plea
a eS = ar ae Se a . z orporal—Uni g and Fall ghter at ed, aluable. Rheiitranbestaliants . subdued bigae ne ee Inviti ; ‘aC- Jad , Damozel , Chrysanth sure are
two or colored fal ; an am r shade ing .. ght yellow and dusk grant, uni = et ea ohengrin—Uni nique ble . Deep red vi ges. Lar . 19 Rin mbesaBiantivery bine white: F. violet, These w viting $1 u, Ruth Pfei > ieee Che rine Pi
= = ‘2 Se i ae et ke ie Gna ae ed violet ge... 19 gdove—S. di iant very blue color bico ; F. violet, light 19 glorif. orth while Collecti eiffer, Mme. C a, Rose Salt ris.
The 1 ors. end is a : white Dimi —A royal Iris. D ; center, lumi ristocratic.. . E uffied peach auve violet Ue aoeanddavendantnae 19 Rochester —D p ilacrpur 7 er eee = ) = ae = = 3
etter S combinati imity—S. whi ris. Dee Fis sispe wince inous and rileLD ord Lambor ch colored let. Rufiled lavender . Ro Deep lilac ler to olive |. feolor. Dates: “fe sa ae s = fs
S | ee = = ses : she ati. Ferd aay ne—Bronzy d, veined and , good, fragrant..... +29 R meo—S. citr -purple; ligh ake; F. la > ae 9 purchas ange of colo ny years to re great o . oned C 1 ° harm. , Pin
> x. refers t the stand *Doll Exquisite pi ite deeply vei uve. Fra: <hagsebewtek Lo une—Blue, | pink. Long ti peppered vi oh a 19 omola—D: ‘on yellow; F. light claret- vender ‘violet. .-. 19 ses you can ors and sw come. Thei pportunities t an autumn. : sere
petals o the fall tan ards % D y Madison— e pink, gold veined mauv grants ke 19 reley—S. yellow; lavender vi g time in b iolet... : Ros eep pink lavender lilac V red overto’ ety ets 9 make. eet fragr eir potential = the « ee : :
ais. s which or uprigh ora La n—Earl en beard duve, ‘Fragrant. J 19 Los A ow; F. raisi violet. L TROrae Rs 19 eway—De nk lavender bi -shaped meow. .. , A ances mak al beauty server th ae : :
Youc ich are low ght to Do. ngdon—A y y. Soft mauv , oval fo grant. ; Angeles—A whi raisin pur arge, sho Ss Rose M ep pink la icolor. S center. Uni 2.2.00 fte e them th the obs sunset for ex igh ae : P
s = = = so =a = ee teats fet Large, coe fi ean raelS Ro Madder—Brilli vender. Fr; cented. B Unique. rglow G e best Ki erver than fi example. Red all objects a
you cannot h a complete anging Dorothea—B) eson—Spring pink blend ellow blend viene te19 Ma Mie—S. auve to rich vel iavender toned: sweetly fra: .. 19 eee lagi lee ters rose 206 Aap te Oran eautiful....... 19 _ When the ollectio L King Tut, Red lowers of any other oe ae ot
ave a co garden wit Z Dorothy Di ue white flus and Fall. Pan rich: colorssht 19 aandentices and F. whit elvety raisin ed. Fragrant grant.. .19 ‘ose Unique— ite, light] er, velvet: ge beard........ +19 lights th sun has gon n $1 71 augier, Dusk iar Geo. J. 7 ne ern,
= zs = = a ies : : eS. and mepetetnars) a Sere ok Rosy Wi Early dee: ly penciled li iS faTS awn AG SRS 419 all wi e sky, and e to rest i . for 1 y Maid, Ge gun, Red Wi earer
The varieti garden wi s alone, but D a—Early. U ps light blu cl» Intermediate... ... . 19 arco Polo—S rly blue ton alsin purple. sae -19 Rote ings—Blendi p pink. Good FRET BIeHER an. 1 ith its frag as the shad in the west ay 0's ‘rs
ies star’ ithout th ; ream—Decide nusual oli e, changin ediate.... aera 9 Marga oft rose ed self. S . Fragra . «19 k Ruffled ing of brow Hed ight blue... 2-05 sje. +19 Afterglo rant lavend owe fall, the At erslow te ze 2
Aarenhors red (*) are i em Dr. C ecidedly ti olive tints Gite white> panay-viole ret Moor—A and dahli weet scent nt Royal C , one of th vn, red nassing. Scented... 19 Zuni w, Auro ender and b , the Afte e afterg! e G > em. sper
: sa | se hee ena ea ee fred Marocain— red t ja carmi nted. Desi 19 R oach—Y he rosi and pink cented. i and P ora, Cinn uff colo rglow Iri ow Anger ay 90
Acacia R ark violet bi led in the b : Dr. Cr Jayo—A red aitminiocteise heawte y-violet. .19 M in—Dwarf. T oned self. A snasees esirable.. .1 ubyd—Rich ellow plicat: Be ee se ee : ena tio S == ; : :
= ss z = _ vs = ee ee sre “is Mary Barnett—Li cops violet ; fall Fnrvect ep the me i Ruby erry deep reddish a bordered euggt iititittsane 99 A gton. , Gen. de Wett class. The jud scores 90 or abi Pe for $1
sek ree cols 3 ith lig t edged F. : Duke ae sella fragrant dw r. Fragrant. P. Gracatalaie M. ary Sede TORE lavender, pr is purple Blacks Nesetete ee ee 9 Ruth Satie ge palida pigktcparple ite ty ae es 19 moena C , Snow White, cent of merit pies should know. jove is one of th
Albert “ite: clear Shitere pink, buff a Pte the popular grou $.19 Dusk——S Bedford—B "1 toned red hoe shaded Bu opular...... ne vary Gibson—S. b: pink, foe DNase prichtes Free bloomer 19 peta 2 Seg ape iin ation, rose pur activecing mukaie sae 99 An Iris ollecti Ambassadeu ver offered for $1. This collectio he very best of i
sie ay a sn ee Gis Bone ar group .19 Dusky S. lavender ; E. liant, rich picelor from pursundy-wine. a9 “es Orth—S. 1 DEGnsy ake Eee ee e Aes beard -19 Ruby Qu is is better pee dotted oerple aNbetine ax oat 1 19 beyond th garden in bloom on $1 71 f. Perthuis, M tr, Dolly Madiso . n is the greatest its
See new orchid flower. Vigo ves meee os 4S E. sky Maid—Deep . deep arent et purple. ‘Seer ees tee -- 19 arsh Marigoid—S. violet; F. flaring old rose. S ite ae -. 9 Ruth Pf. erage light pu n “a good red | edged anes Lae es 19 phe Fre! ch botanist Sg Aa : : Ee tne —_ :
Alfheim . violet, tiated -pink Iris reese very fragrant...... 19 Eden: Sulediacee tan purple. Ver Brilliant gsr large.. 19 May Rose—Pink . Golden Sollee darker bl pene REE S. .19 R. W Wa ‘er—White a rple with ruby-li What is r aoe “499 Iris the ench botanist Tor to express gnificence of ligh = r, Princess Beat Candlelight, G
Alice a blue bic: bronze; F. wicked ; rant ** 49 Ed Jeter ustrous rere t striking. F: en beard..... +19 Meldoric—A do toned self, he ow; F. deep Sab ai Bicniad aes 19 Be vai el ese ae eens delicate lav: y-like finish ed?.. 19 changes Rainbow Flo ‘ournefort Afar’ lag 7 sf 2%
Allan He ing—Soft lays with light ish purple. Earl .19 Egy Michel —Bright ear lavender bia rose, eantitaltany toa ie 19 Melrose—Light ee blue-black ay veined See bere aE +19 Bintcraiic Called a perf violet ; F. reed WhigranEe Cenk 19 equally | read, varyi Fi : ee is ere ie a
oil tight batt a yellow... stripe through ie Sweet -19 EI As —Bronzy viol petunia violet ue self. Tange ae fragrant... 19 Medrano—S. R as Si with golden be endens Galas -19 Sank nto—White pee Rich ee black purple........... “19 terete aprend, varying ways the sam OW: 18 Seer named ithe tnd ita be : ae
= S == ae | : oe ers nee iy fragiant.. t5 *Midgard—A eddish-copper; F bright or Tapas ee et) Sant: rancisco—Th eavily stitched’ azzling red Cin eamane . B rops. z only in d e. Its seven but it n found it plucked a flow on $1 71
— . E 5 a sce pla 7 ie ; yellow er; F. d ange beard......)..:. 2 a Barb: he large . ed red bi-col -. 19 ut the h ‘ ensity t sth t rays ao a } :
fee et io capa : cee AD ¥ Crandall—Li nese violet. F NCC. ik y fragrant.. 19 Midwest—R ye and pink ark reddi ard... 29 Selene— ara—Ligh’ white bli purple ed, OP ees of it: ues, tint Oo agree wi are alwa: understand iful mys m the wall r 1
ht omer bs sIdorado— ight bl UDStENCe oo aeons 19 Mild uffied, whi nk blend ish-purp] ne—Ve ght toned ossoms 2 edge... Boe t) its more t 's and sh with th Lys Di nd that lit rater a ae ;
«Alta Californt yellow . yellow in gard a) Fe. Edge Blend of ue toned Iri g falls. Fragrant. Nobl ildred Presby— ‘ite, flushed . Perfectly f ple... Seminol ry large silv blue lav re edged lavender t p49 equals thi han seve ades of col e quantity id you ev nae ba Te BI iid understa win
Amanec ifornia—Deep overlaid opalese: rden. effect viecbe seis. 19 Elea wood—Deep ' yellow, heliot: ris. Very fra grant. Noble. 19 Miranda—B] y—S. pink white ; and edged on ‘ormed. . aarp ey of all ery white. Sel: ender. Beautif avender blue 19 proach i is great dis n thousand na ors vary in th F Duke of er study an Iris e could under: that if he co 1 and
= = 2 : ag : is “ites ae ‘Ve rvaeran nt. Nc . 19 Mirasol—A cae violeb. metallic F. rich Bed purnle. = Sensati Clear claret the red purpl ene means the Aor Crcatoeeny Artist: its capacity pci of color tan varieties ets with each Zanardelle. Bedford, Ne re bloom ? stand man and be only
a nae te faintly ronzed g petals. .19 Empi eth Egelberg urple self, f bicolor. Fine Fragrant..... 19 Miss Eard istinctive lic sheen. E y rose purpl Se tion—Beautif red. Tall es; rich. Se oon Goddess. 9 lecti s and botani o blend so man or does . No other fi . Henri River ptune, Senlac od.
Fes - tees = — ak» ll bl ne garden effect... 19 Mi: rdley—S. pure chr arly, t: Pple..... quoiah—Gor Rill blue hese adbetas he at coy Pe a i : = =
ee 2 ac ja mea 19 = pire—Bright Mauve pi all bloomer en effect ist—A . yellow; ome-yell , tall, stat . (19 Shah orgeo , heavy substance, h owy . Id splays sev: ee that ors on other flowe i ia Rose ood, Rh
5 h vi ec, deligh e ndymion— Empire y nk with h es SE et... 19 Mi blue Ir ; F. red | low.... rab pyle ah Jehan— us comb % nbatance. Ho sontn sae) una, Tri: seven col aedion stehan (i es : < : a és
Fee seni, So ey ees ghtfully ruffed... 19 Eoth n—A deep e yellow. Fi eavy orauge beard.. ithras—Yell is from Fost mne-VellOW ia vanes 19 Shekin n—Amoena ination of nce horizontals tatiates 1 Rheintoc ristram, Dali lors blended is Shah Jeh idual bloom r ectio st. perle,
is SY . ee hie 12 = en—Large. S cream and pons Pertr: peard...... 19 Mme. Cecil low wine red er. Loved eve Sealant tineracetone 19 Sher 1ah—S. and F type with oh mee Suet Sid ntal falls... . 9 ochter, Darethy ila, Shah Jeh on its petal an (in this col- The way to li n Collecti
Anne L eyn—Fine blue are white ee beard grant.... .19 E pine Lane ivory shoe 9 Fragrant «soos 19 Mme. Che e Boucast—Soft veined white. rywhere... ass.... 19 Sho win-Wright—Bri pinard yellow. Tg areca Pe eee 4 lowe Cal : . ie : .
: = a ee sa d beard joo “19 Eu erel—Deep gu red purple ee cae .. Fragrant......:. .19 Mme. Ch reau—Prized si orchid pink . Scented Dishnctive.,. 19 Sir SE et BE steps Ealdenive! The first g OE Ra: -19 Autu ves Lassailly. resby, Rhein Ni Iris and ron coddle it onde doctors say, i ~ for $1
a = ae = ao 3 ae ee 3 Mme Sher vice a oes 1844, White frilled bh inctive.. .19 Sie RoneHde Gold Nichol’s ty yellow, free flo ‘ood yellow...... “19 mn Floweri ‘ ixe, Brune abars live longer er expert eeiila to have a chroni
Antares rown bicolor. rge pale lacomier Scented ard ‘ 19 Bronte See , color mustar shaded allow att Tape ioe 19 Mme. D bent b and yellow ee ‘ frilled blue. Ruffled. . 19 Silch— renee dete tow oo he = me : = : = = . = ;
fete : ee i me a ee 39 = yolution—Co of Hay’s lila rd yellow. Mu at base........... +19 Mme Gs evinge—Whit. uff and pink ed lertone. Plea: Ruffled... .19 Si h—Tones of ed flower of cl brown - Good...... vessel Th $1 al ollection ection, Harpali ian Chief, Ca garden of
Apache—. Maroon purple F. white d a late bloo abe ous k.. . Lo airy—Early pper-bronz c. Very m Wh! liked sic's)efhutud. 19 Mme. audichau—Ri e edged pink ged lilac sing color. imone Vaissi fawn, co se OWT esse eee eet eeeec eee 19 f e following Iri < for : : coe : ia,
| : z : =a ae —— pete ee PE ea . Fragri -19 Sindjk. issiere—Si pper and wy 4 ‘all. They ris blo ra I ichael . Will
Aphrodit new Indian Dey ish effect. S ue ; Pyare, > ae FP ination—N ite bordered Very much liked. ....+..0+2.0.4 19 Mme. Mauri reau—Lo ety violet er. Beautif ant.... .19 Si Galahad S. gh hut = : : sn = : | ;
ite—Bright viol red color, Attré Splendid aA ee eS 19 Fi B. Scherme ext to Pink vnc MERON ee age a 19 Molie aurice Lassai vely soft r purple. Se iful.... ir Galahad— lavender, buff - Eriiane anraerhinge a5 ¥ Sty ean 8 Sa Aue = =
; are A . horn— Satin. Suricahiltreowen takciae iere—S. vi sailly—A rosy _heliot: ented. . Sir Mi S. a , buff to Pad teas 4 eee A ae ae Pai ce a a: | = :
cS of olor. “A active aid abave 19 Firmament—Ini m—Blue toned. the best pi ragrant Iris... 19 Monsi, . violet blue; ttractive bl otrope. . : s Michael—S and F. pans purple. F lack ee 19 ., Jean Siret. umn Kin | the flowe: nd again in ountains and on of a sight-seei 1 71 f
Argynnis—Yellowish rere aisin ture. Very fr Good... .14 are termediate bi ned lavende pink se.e: pM Booey C) Mo: gnor—Deep ; F. velvety vi a hissliee a ee Biterino. me whe, oe ae : oe = = : os = | |
5 purple._Ea lo = wert—G lue la iis Ncreood oneal ta nterey—T velvety, b eu eae ee Sélferi e—Snow lue; F. rich alintiatoe® irdinrantiee B one ae . . i =
pees ee cbt 7 Pen violet carmin sis Rare erty 6>..49 rentina—Cre. orgeous yell vender. Ear] ood one. ais Mornin ‘all, dark bro: rownish anita doa ba rcoa ne Ss erino—Deep li white, wi ch red-brown ge, fragrant..... 19 eaut nd Lieut. Ch ‘oosevelt, Ult nd Collectio er, wrote “The wot abate op Ban
Aristocra’ toned, pha a F. bright zal Tall vigorou cant —__.39 Ae : amy white Atha and Aaswered and good. Montes Glory—Red pinned a pare: Mirena La eS Oo 19 coutare: ee lilac-rose Pes soft green suffused pur eee: 19 To add ny: Collecti . Chavagnac. | re, Copndntion of Iris is‘also Send of ar heat eBay” oe “io
= = = ae : a — Thee low ianetvpyows. Fragrant. Monal. uma—S. golde med bicolor ets ete me Tateseetal 9 onato—S. oli on yellow; F. 1 _Many bloom markings. . ple... .19 flowers. to the charm 1001 $1 71 Cretonne, Pai Dr. Mantor, ae seeing. erfect Day.” his" well-
as = = ae a an 5, late. “19 .s Angelico—A An early rich yellow : , orange beard. Fra- Monee buff fomed bicolor «noose anon ae Southern C ive buff; F. pal rich Bord on tall stems 19 Buto. of life, giv oC for 1 , Pare de Neuilly, ‘uphony. Ra Trail’s
= : = , ro low; F. low, see eeeen ne ee tt) So ross—F . pale lila eaux. G em.... o, Eventi , give us y, Elizab » Ramona,
: = = see cs ie ae "nee aa snl oan Early. on violet... , white veined purple.. 19 uthland—Bl rom New Z ilac, an outsta ood variegata ae 019 Embers, M ide, Eldo greater lov V abeth Egelb , Glory of Readi
= 1s ce EERE hws 3 : Soe we Beas isbes fades eine tin eae npenu yg 19) Moonli io—Distinct ores bet scales Lona ned purple... 11 °Spokane—B looms spring a: ealand. Faw Adiniaiondaese ae .19 , Mme. Cheri coxa Heart 0’ e for beautiful ery Late C . erg and Trail’s Ei ading,
aa) : 2 ie a eq ecchos 19 F bites Glory—G spotted and st wonderful f lush on falls..... 19 "\|. Moon ight—Giant he low blend bi inoeae tage vane a Ce » AD St. Louis- Gk illiant red-br nd fall. Dee n to purple Ch Baie mar and Tropi Gold, Nancy O b The: varieties ollection: nd.
Autumn aa colored of one of the be herrea at aa -19 rieda Moh: olden crim veined reddi SS ee 19 Magic—A ta tie ieee OA sere ae ait 3 Sunlight ae ae =e : - z 2 Z :
rs . t aH IaT Frit r—Lar; son and ish-purple.......... oonston ; i, n de eee entttssteneees 19 Sunli y—Blend vety purple. Even in t OW:.c A pion C ° wing A Blue Jay, se . =!
= = ae z : ee 13 A pone ccat gest, most brilli velvety m Riley Ont e n 19° Morni e—Soft lumi ew soft yell ly. Fragrant.......... unlight—Fi ed pink, t pa Pled sears oat ee man told ollect Azure, Blu elp to prol are the lat 1
Autumn Dawn—Everbloo rgest spring 2 ae tone grant.... 19 G o—S. Empire er; F. lavend rilliant pink I Broom es a9 Mother-o Splendor__S. lich blue. Pes ing wif tregrance “ oo = te sie — = = : : : The : S : js
= ue ¢ a a ton ry cafe f - caprance oe nt . lik . Su er. Fra exture al 5 SO ma: minist ° 1 f 8s, Pheb ae ton, Mid "hr
Autumn ing—Blue pu ming ruffled nd fall bloom puget 19 andhi—Red yellow; F. ri er purple. Us ris. Fragra of ld Mo r-of-Pearl—S light purpl Jeasing: Fra; ragrance... ae atcsene _bstutne and bet ae : = 2 - is : r
z Ee ae Gandhi oubele . rich, vel e with Bleedi nt... unt Royal— . and F e; F. ri grant pecan Su: iss—Exquisi :F. r artifici . Good... And) 3 room fo crites at e would onsign or, Mid on.
rsereenal eye aidoran , blooms in J iow blend -. 19 G a—Lovel and one of vety oxbl leeding Hi 19 Mrs. A yal—A gigantic p pearly lav ich velvet . ssanne Auti quisite and d peermiey Sue “tine. Se a mone ae si = : : | =
i eae ae eA el agh Hana vely warm cre the latest t ood. Fragr eart .19 Mrs. lan Gray— ntic purple bi avender. S y red-purple. . 19 Sweet Lav issier—Blu lelicate shad Badé bless Scentedaaae 19 Albright here room i ag : e ministe o church a: r epra C 1 * . J. Freyer,
y : . Inte september Gold r—S. le amy whi 0 bloo ‘ant.... rs. A. S Delicat: bicolor. F Best toda. neue ii mae ote Sts | ‘ = i : | 7 T | U
oo me ans Ce AN aS rmediate fo: ; G beard mon chrom ite. Delight: ee ae oe 19 M . Hoyt— e purpl 7 ragra: stately eta—Has avend ple bicolo. e lilac eicc son, N win, Cavali garden fi : “there are afrai 10M:
ae : oe rs. A. 8. Ho S. purple; ish lilac rant.... Bee) ¢Tali as the er with pi r. Fra: rose.... ymph and valier, Ch: or anoth ease wit id of th . 1 71
a y blue purple Rae tno ragrant, brilli rm... zen. DeWett—A rich red p e; F. deep y fragr 19 M rist—S. purple; F. i S esisibia Mrseecnat alisman—S appeara pink fi grant. B faeees nd Zad: , Challen er collecti rh ith and lov at with : ° (8)
—— A ac; F. ma lowerin. jant... Georgia—. Nerigh wear parcial velvet; ant... rs. H. F white; F. ri white ed rable. F aA) Taj M ubtle b ance of ch ush. Ruff eautiful C a. ger, Cru ection of Iri ys ou pee : :
flowers peculiar b roon purple g. Late oe G gia—An earl red purple. Combine y oxblood Bie & Mrs. Mario ST AHRUG hose rich vely ged violet. oy dem r nal mie == = = ze = 2 | ‘ =
Rallecine Fine dave ut lovely shad eS ome aS Tribolet-_B bright or fd Goch ree ee itha ck red. Mrs. farion Cran—A brown gold; vety purple. F Goods 19 { lepttaias lilacs wwiktesthote red, yellow, pink/ang geld al. a = ae = | -_ : =
ee of pid eae here We a OF. Ginleiae Verpaiuret 19 oe —p Psa yiolek: id free pile om with others... 49 . Tinley—Large _ brilliant ligh F. brilliant b ‘ragrant...... 119 Tenebrae-—Fine F. rose poUee occasional. pink) andvchs ois 3 in erases = Bs = E — |
Baron ee gray r bicolor. aa Petal cle ery large pore ties ae uis—Rich viole dark red pur ae pink. Good.... 19 eMrs. Valerie W violet-blue Gene poner tay and Sane a. a oe ae : ee in = : | ° = = 3 : . | = = |
= pial ce aa io x Gertrude" Early old blue flag et purple. Refi e. Scented her ost) Mrs. Walte est—S. la golden bl stately...... 19 Titan—Gi -Rich petuni auve-purple ; . Hovely ‘color 19 g Iris are pl osed toward ooks “Or fi tarts or 1 and Aristo , Dogrose,
esse ie ah ocean i ti Gigante petunia viol e; F. ro OF de Alfhei pleasing. some eis BRIE So iY Si crat, , Arlingt
Bes idea ee aye gore and free enaabe ars Florif. =a jee 9 iant Baldwin ly, deep blue, we our grandm ned, fragrant a . Penn—A ster—Light ronze: F. ri Le Ae ORT teeter striking, vi et self und, red-purple... 19 de Mi eim, Beau Idea rather th: friends. We ix collecti Take Noti gton,
Belladon reur—S. Aevik 'y dotted and ed owering.. erous... 19 Giant Ring tore" superb gi weet scented pues day. BE Nadine—Blue reddish tone r toned aren By zich crimson a Tral's End sie ee sa ae oe ee a : | mE =
ES are sa a cae = IE a ota 19 Gledm=_Sott’ blue old gold; sent dower cenhe dit flower arly.. .19 Nancy Ons sade venatt purple, ora r, veined brow: Trail’s rr att ee tonedihi Iris from eure Aree soe Soa , Gleam and te Ghandi follow- arate ad —all to on
Se : = - et soe 3 sree ue self, 42 in alls rich bri brilliant blue... .. 419 Naomi—Bri elightful utiful. A nge beard. F. TD win Trianon— Orange and icolor, maro iss of England........ Fra hausseur. , Gold Imperi . e addres
: = ae ts Se ne=Dal ieee ‘good gro ragrant Tri Pale b strawb on veinin and.. grant z pe: Vi ® or eac
ae = 2 ty es we bes tals “3 pec oe gom—Blue toned bicolor. | sonsmauve. ‘Tall 19 alis—Ha: ac, satiny ple with fa wer. . . 19 ristram—Th uff touched erry red ing .... A few i oll | enus . h te
E s = a —_ eS gare si i ca ange athe ae a very lovel carmine. . . wn-pink effect...... 19 Troost—B e only Iris th rose. Distin over yellow...... of sun eo auches of soil. ection $1 ' A
Black peace ee Tea ot ti ue-black purple. a. as Golden rte ae with lake purple inclo voliage large.......... 19 eNebrgehateacni veined fee soft pink effect... us + ie =e ee oe : ae : | oa : = : = :
E = : = ae = = = he ‘i Se Be on 19 pee ar pricot yellow vety burnt inte ey eae O LT 19 eTrostrin s—Rich, ae Large, tall ite and black Or... tieen a very ple ooms of the trie of raindro: $1 water. Its ae the bright, ER Is
ei 2 2 ae _ i se : Gobelin ie cathionine ; F. oxblood oom...... eet cl 9: Nene—World’s rich deep vel Pune ORaIGe Scented, vigorous... “19 True ma bare te light y, blue purple. 7 brilliant Uniaue.. .19 Ma Mi Victor, Aleseae fragran ris varieties ele and a few Other v leaves are tall golden yellow Iri
= ee ate ches = parples 222500 ay Golden W mis ood yell A bright oat ae ae eee Nibelungen. s largest Iris. vety purple of the best. igorous.. .19 Tuscan) rm—White pink. Lovel iar gettrigranteetah: S ie and Aph azar, Capri ce. Your ni n this collecti weeks tates, m arieties which graceful and is that wil
==, re; F. vel ae ee ee i —s. . Lil . A ha acters U y Gold—A di margined y and ‘agrant. - 9 rodite. ice, Fai ose kno ion wil » marshes, ich will nd very ll grow
= : a ie rons Bie, ith frosty ustre “59 Gold Imp est—Color is b' llow, bronze vei in the garden........ Nimbus—Fr: S. yellow; F. ilac and old ndsome dw: Spa Itra—Ve. A distinct ed blue lav enchantine Sees 19 iry, Fragr: ws. 1 water gard , along the beautify y ornamental in
= : : —e + : es ei = = ig eae Nine ea se He becutiful. Tall edged Tose..... arf..... "19 Ute Ch ry early bri reddish gol ender. Frill elo. tea s Gold ans, Leota Emperor— ens: margin of miGist locational on. Seek
eae : ee feet eT ed Slihteraandaoae Vv ief—S. li ight blu ‘old blend ed. Sci - 19 fy Coll : » Lorele Sn (Orientali lakes ions on
boiled Soft blue. Not t of the bright a Fragrant ++ 019 ¢Grace St er—Canary eer r uniform rich Git care Sonim Nirvana—Lob violet; F. d all, statel ter. Handso sees 629 alery Mayet- ight bluish. ue. Blooms . Very be rented.. .19 he gold ectio > P ow Queen—B lis) beautif , ponds, brook: es-
: 3 Ee : = fe Se ee ae Nirvana ety ae eep purple ee violet pu me.... 19 Valor—L: yet—Rich -violet; F again in fal autiful. .. varieties en or yell it $1 71 erry’s Bl eautiful itiful dark bl oks and
ee ae ; : : a2 Ni - pal ith o . Fragr: rple... Vv argest, ri andudistinichives deep brilli Alle, cians 19 id emphasi iow toned - S fo ue—Bri white. C blue. Fasci
: ae “aie : = = = racine ae ae oko e lavender ; range beard. ant. Tall Hey enus de Milo- richest, b inctive red rilliant purple...... 19 mber, Coli izes the b ed varieti r $1 ight sky bl combines wi scinating
= eS : = oe ie. Bons Gypaie een—Honey cali bronze red violet carmine. . : Nymph—Th estan—Uniform F. violet blue pate eet ores aoe Vesper Gold ilo—Giganti lackish blue- color tone. purple Rave “19 Flavia, Sun ‘olias, Citron ek of cnere rs placed am ue, veined li Lae ni pator a eee 15
ao = = — ao ce ile oe Echt on October Ope: best early yell rich_amaranth AtESantive| eee Wabash—A: —Distinct Salles snow nebo toak all . set and Prine la, Empire, a ong your oth e S v% ighter. Landscaping 15
= : : = = 3 2 ee ee oe “ober lest early pelle Free flow: red. Rusted eee Pe Bes Be A at bes ow with soft tectum orate G rose. » Nebraska, Old er ones few clum ping.... .15
Brandy wi lear buttercup lor scheme. White beard. Sc rple.... .19 Heart t Presby— Tallest f. lavender iis dowan eet strong.. .19 ER pico) d See ae flowering. Ki hb : cae s i ee : : So : : : =
: aH = 4 E Ae - E rat ‘ Odaraige A’ pute Meee g. Rich burgundy red Wambliska— lavenden Shanice a white; F. vivid “Language,” sai ollecti nm ont hud anting, be ee beauty. Pri usually gi in your gard
Ba oe See ad Sei: “19 Her Maj iviere—Soft yell lue, clear teed Scented Sata wee 19 Old Bok nd at toned iy finde es ea ea ae ndy red ¢War Ea = es fine large + velvety oles: fit things to each said Bovee, “ on: $1 71 fertil s should not “Ne not to rices are for ot lasting pl enor
Ee: ee 2 = ie ee 33 ier Majesty Her at ve low blend. yellow at ie riking... .19 Olive White—De yellow lic: ie pre petlee ned sheceiniy chitin: 19 A arn ioe white, pale ae Tiegh clintecamonis —that we c thane? SANSEIe given us c for $1 use oe soil which if e covered Ae the roots to 5 eye aeosiones
B y’s Giant—Mamm lavender; falls Tall, vigorous.......- 19 Hippol, 8. bright jestyds“rosecpink and bloon Toate. este 1 Oliver P. e—Deep cre icata. An Pee ie Ne ot 19 ses vistman—¥ eee oven me ot oo = ia | = = e 4
uto—S. ; 7 <c yta—L blue- pink and blooms late. 19 0 erthuis— am. Fall unusual sie dyarelel . F. Christ toned | GAY ie eee Sng A ye. ribe flow eg a words ae at = = .
= aa : oh ee 2 itippolyt Bate purple; F. ri hloomakiateeeay eae 19 maha—This i Velvety bloom Fa Peas Rh Dh gn 19 White A man—Whi lavender Siegen eae e yatar, ers that e use of y pleas Ad lone can j yard e secured es. Peoni eyes:
: 2 2 aa : = : inet Fall slsta eae gee Whi utumn Ki ite, suff pre. ao seeds eerie 19 Rom eee a A you ¢: words—1; ant lolphe Ro n judge manur ed by th eonies lik
=e = ae € om oon Honorable eee self. Excepti reddish-purple. Large 19 pal—Light pi atnegeetsta | pploomer nee eee ceee .19 hite and G King—Pu used and vei prot ae 29 ola, Sir Gala Morrison, S an see the anguage Albert usseau—Ric! e or commerci e not too lib: ©
ee aoe ae ; "ikea "05 Hypatia n unusual an as made gar Bone! smooth s a Large .19 Opera—Rich pink lavender. o red, bright grant, large, late... 19 White Kni old—True at, white and eined lavend Cee ie ness “19 é alahad, Steep’ olona, Fra m with your ‘Asa G Crous oft, ich, dark red reial fertilize iberal
Conniots -S. and F. eep golden yell ple. Margined lighter. . 19 depart ine Marky dee iied” bine sete: beautiful 2] stance.. .19 Ophelia_—o: violet purple. Everybody shea enna? ate.... .19 White Q ight—A depend ite petals, t Sitractiee me and violet .19 Giant Collectio sagt 2 a a = |
Candelabra— and F. eenmn) ber yellow, re eke p at ighter.. .19 «Impe tor—S. violet ti eep pure La self. ene ae ee) Orange Q range, pe Sweet meee Sat ee “19 Wild Sle ay men darle pure De te Old ahearclaueen each 19 This i acorn c = for $1 : = S: Z = : =
Candleli ri toned y white, mp ovena with purple... .. <29 SIndian C Blush—Man nted buff; F oe ¢ F age ae 19 Oregon Pees vba! rand bronze bi adeandtyoryisopalaraee "19 ¢ William *Mohr—Tilac, S ie ree 2 3 ce ay e = = , = =
= é = s ‘ 2 : sae = oer Es 13 Oregon) ‘ant Gigantic ‘tee beautiful end. ..... popular.... .19 Winnesh _Mohr—Lilac. avender. Fr: ong Mie es ee = st number ost famous 3 on $1 aac Verdi eder—Delicat ghtfully f. athlaventeste cia “40
: | = = | TS giganti of orde collect . 1 f dulis S ier—A f. e flesh-whi ragrant. CV et
e oe : sae a i Judize, Banting “Une oe red; F. Halse soft, pink fi violet..... 19 Oriflamm ich lavender pee deep ey. Telse Res peak oS 19 Ww. J. er Rich blue veined man agrant. A gre season...... «1 elud tic flowers i ers. Our Gi ion of Iris, or $1 Feli uperba—V- ree and reli white. R Late ere
Capt. Co Reddish purpl rple. Fragrant. ig Colonial buff....... Ingebo reas aodstles the bluest agian velvety OWETB.- +--+ “19 plac aie lavend ark red. Or: ustrous blue ragrant... .19 Wyomi ryer—S. ochre ; and SE Pa rr ntere! fs beauty... 9 Ne e jorane ene vie ni =i = = 2
Capt. Corageour Medi self. Rich gra’ vee! flowerine isi-0/4% Tris Bore White 2 ack-purple. . ris. Very a) Ted Mile ince “19 Ossar—Gl soft violet ; mo Macee Beaute beard. pups ies et) LA bona heals eee F. dark les Licolon. Fila & os win Br ion, ith co coher = =a — : = ;
E 2 ze aoe | = : stele ie cbt eee, owing blackish plush-like b autiful flow: agrant..... . Yv. n—S. clear leep rose, pink e flushed bl rilled S.. 19 in, Evoluti e, Jumbo, Lo ering plant: gardens in producin ragrant —Purest whi red. Late ink. Rose fragrance 1%
ee nee ris King- elaigold Re ae Ae, at ee 19 o—Dee ckish red lackish vi er. Fra pe el9 es Lassail bluish vi nk effect, ue. S ued ion, Eothen a1 rd of s. Ameri = FigralVressack al ite, fi mids ragran a
| | te = ae = ie ae fy Othello ioe blackeh self. violet grant.. .19 Yvonne P illy—S. whi violet; F. deep. fragrant cented. 1 en and Ri June, S ca. In- F neakank Amant ecked cri eason . ce .29
== : oi remind Mere . rf a A ft, = pr &) ubeo. , San F . ranc c EL AMO ATER OTT timson.) Marie iect
| ze s i a foe eee = ? ‘Belic diy fraarant 4 a8 Padre—D. p velvety red. x dsl iS unegg ne "19 Wada; eletier—A faa F. distinct bi violet blu and good.. Indi * rancisco, Gi Gold es Willard giant pink that is ver . Early. Siti oi
: i = = = : = oe ee aS i Pare ee coe ae amed for a x die ig paeie te 39 Zaharoo: ery free flow y blue of gre bluew- Cusaatinon: 19 Not 1 lan Colle ti , Giant Bald- Gr: on: Hacvert:@acene white. that is very ae eas =
Caterina —Bluish-lavender i Prettily fl Is purplish pS, ple 19 Jacq eline Gillet Sc , delicate and: violet. Fragrant, tall . Peacock’ euilly—Unif. blend... Phe oe Tide ae “ Zeb: n—Exquisite ering whit Ble NS ss te ;: eb int a OF : fas Zs = as
: : . ft, 1: and mu : ‘ragrant, Feet) Pp 's Ey: orm d atseege jans... + AQ ra—Gri ite blend e. Lat XProlifie:tece ony 19 pai row head f a es = = sae
| : = = oo : ae ithe “delicate and Lie , tall... .19 erfection e—Yellow bl nd oe Esa Beene 19 Zanardel een and whi of ambe PSroiearin Catan: past. D flint arrow igging Iri 0 for Ka e d’Arc—Soft soft, shell. Us of salm: stamens. Late. 40
2 Z = —— E ae - i ae ee Beaton svenee ~ et pes with ayer en? ate Se Reis 19 Coe eee Mabe stripes ee te RT ae 19 many uring the head, lost b is plants fi $1 rl Rosenf: oft pink 1ell-pink, shadi on and yelloy Late. 7
: ) : Bes 3 : be lost by so’ for a cus Kelw: eld—Ri with ? ding to ellow . 40
ee 2 % = =| E =a te re ee ; 13 ashes Pe lovely. Thi madder violet, eye. Paes Series 19 punt ich red-brown self. A Jengthwise the | and violet 19 with rin lne of flint cultivation me Indian h tomer, w Lo: ays Glorio ich, velvet: yellow effe; Sonywhiteee
Cha icedo: —— o — i id * — . + oo + . cee ia s. , : | : :
: ae ae = = : s ae ee caring soe tangicenel Phyllis Bli ell posed all coloring of ‘i , bicolor, rani nro 19 erg—A yello and copper. se aera ter te Unique 19 ‘Apa h first anes stone rey our plant + a in ee jopelinens Xe reamy y_ crimson © Pagans Pea ee
: = 3 5 Ze ies : : oe ne o nema ps Pink Jad iss—A light Ja Owais. rich Persian ge beard.. .19 w blend. Earl med for ee good form... +19 nole M e, Iroquois, itants” of thi plements whi arm we hay istant co Cygne—A ry late pink white, rose f ne of the best.si Beet
ee so He low of even to yellow.....- . - 19 a Soy; Siret—Sprin. ite delicately ed: aa bthe and Coff red.....: 19 Pink ees > Lebt laxender pink. Serre veete sy A a “19 Ce ce a: = = : : = 2 . — = : : |
= : a : ce : seis he is mu sain Ets des 8 *Pink Sati —Delicate cl plicata, deli very gy die av oe . Unigue... P nd Ute Chief omis, Pocaho: ur times ere Bullo eae ont owervof: parents wire : .
im——Palest hortens white. Very let. Large, good... “19 Rete oyna tae Repair hitart Yellow d, pleasing. . Pion in—A vari eiphents eee ei talyerrl eereng the Greatest Beer He = = = ae
| es ca i eet ie Pat riety of mallow pi led peta. -19 Havi e Yr ck’s E atan, Semi Milt Lar ry, shell-pi a ch aD NBS.
ee =e ae : a a Yelow deans ore a8 Pocahont: ich red purp] great beaut: w pink to is, 3: 1 aving eat I ye » Semi- on Hill— ge, dee; ell-pink, nerry to ts
: a | Sot) hav grown Iri es E n the G oll ° Mm ill—Lil Maroon ; , shad: ne.. rete
ee eas iss Shekinah. F onial buff. Fr: Legal ® samt Marlowe—S, margined foo toned.... its class..... .19 Powhata as—Frilled Beta large, good Zs Tall and co apricot..... .19 ing th worth ns ne e Es = : = : : = |
| = = = 4 : = = ae nears me 4 Pow ant"Rove-viole aii white aisecdl Pena ceapanding es ing this wo of. some number of solid ehan ata que at Delhi ik " me. Jul Unifo ith tints or cuttin rose... 49
: : os wo ue | Eve id gold, si cost of thi i the P. ° f Officinali es De rm pu 3 of salm ng. . Seen]
) : = i 4 = : s ae a Lema s Pinte Or (Gellen “Rat purple pap es lavander sc Kenerarts 19 Vv ieties of Iri ile bargain es. To pre it is natur feet of gol six feet 1 thirty milli eacock Th or $1 cinalis R ssert—Cre: re white, on’ pink) i seeeee aoe
| = : — : = : - a= : = = Sia Pea A Soll oe oe Solid led crimson, Pars Ses OSH Taietics GUSE be each phe eae We vent waste w al that we canop gold inlaid ong by fou oat ‘dolingala Teopenters grandm peel eee whites) petals flecked crit Sas hie 60
sy ees s—S, , violet. Fick : Sie u Wy, kent . It w made f Phillippe Rivoir ie = Sf
| | : : a ae ec Pi doa nt, “State | ePre: ie Sunset—L rkest yellow _golden yellow esirable. e our selecti and all will send e are mak- with y fringed wit! ith rubies broad _Was a pl or illippe Rivoi gard old M golden on
innabar M ‘arvelo’ nie « A ¢ grant anv resident Pilki arge, vi sri oribtertewelineee wei kD. ction. postpaid you twe ith gems ith pearl; , emeralds faa ix mase Se in = ey Z 4
e = 2 : ee = ee E tla . ul aes eget tibe Primay. ilkington- ‘inaceous oni Bterisetelecree nied id for onl; nty-five tails s - At the b is and su and diam g on six m of long ria eaeniee eee Day
, : = : ma es i iow card aan a hbo Ss lar: —Blend, endce, skin pink rge, late..... .19 y $1. The colors pread and so back were the pacried by tw onds. Over i assive Sarah B: offee and C 5 very daskerinaoe 50
reau—S. Ps looms eaataiet, L cons onion: skin pinkkisi 5 se. B : —-—--— : s lve pi er it w: Th oa t Dit ae “i :
: = = : ae tena nd velo ees lotches and aroon color of 2 Prin se—A deep ge pale yello Eranineebutie yellow: a 19 A P FE ort of a real pe inlaid with j gures of rh e pillars asa ere: t—Soft, pin! One son . ra
Clio—Light veined Shag red . pattern. B: sport and e literally other forma Pp cess Beatri clear yello w. Early. | ', yellow, +. 4.49 ny time b all Pl . of two imm acock. Th jewels as 0 peac encrusted Toura: oft pink. t, pink fi Gf vive iehestiesten .50
= | : i = ve a a ae bao eca abit ya ge EH flowering efore the anting mountain ense diamo e eyes of o to displa: ocks with thi W: ngelle—Delica One of lowers of ighest rated. 85
: | zZ ce = = a ie ee re a i rose, eowe plants cai ground i Engla of light” nds, one of wl £0, Gisplay sell. the eir Stee anne ehetec ete oe ee ‘
: = . : a ae eee 3 é ng ies gee eee is actuall Cc nd. which i of which peacocks gorgeous Ni xon—Cor: esh pink s best size. . pisdaried B
% Honorabil name “Kalei his new bud a kaleidos co! rospero—La’ Very hands low-violet. ‘Bloor strong, fragrant. -19 Ta ‘he eo ones ae = : : = : . = : =
ners *Kin ids 3% leidoscope.”” sport is cope you Purple H. vender, vio ome rich b looms freel ragrant. .1 your fal when the ire increasi planted. Y » your perenni cock’s Eye : Conchob: among the ates Five P aa = =o
eee 3 a taoscope a ‘aze—A Fre let brown. brown to eely... 19 56 all-set pl: soil isn’t di sing thei our plants ennial ye and S ar, Doxa, crown j nur, or Shipped e finest t - 60
= so Ieee 2 ple Balers rench gra . Desirab med elniate aodae 19 me earth ants by coveri eeply f: ir root g: nts set out it. Louis. , Baldur, jewels Fi ihe, Festa, 49
ad evaleautes tees 1 port of Queen A Pleasi y self. La Je. Scen’ . Good blowi ‘th over e overing th Tiehtly © ahold : sit : ; : : :
oh bars | 3 eer ng blend of b rge. Diff ted. aoe) ing it awa’ nough of t! em light ut you shi ery day IF ra, Egypt, 1 ach a diff n , June and July 60
: ares AE Alex eset bagne © buff, blue ifferent. . Large.. .19 in tuejeovint he excelsi ly with ex ould protect This i L Coll * » Opal, Pea. ate. My se! erent colo x Plants July
a | a Caterina =A Re ronze, beard acid yelloweiseented) “19 be in a po: ing the excelsi or to prevent celsior, placin’ Aster is a ve ection: = lection. W. r. Some will ? $1 ;
jueen of Ma’ oft toned , lavender yellow..... ented. .19 dug. W sition to ieee Sala ao | is a : : =
steel blue self. Oran 4 y—S. and yellow b mabe bie MEO Or C e will be ‘ive ev e removed rom Fascinati ng it a to! collectio : OF 1 re : a "
adm fs F. fine lend. Inte: Scented see oll9 glad to tak en befor q. Your Kalo ation, Fri me and n and hel: o! Si sideration some will
Et ‘) sevens) e spring plants will s, Rosewa rieda M quality m ps greatl; Mileadoe ths oes ngle P 2 ™
lei or ae dort, (Erodes Mehr, eo nee epee Spek ns Mikado—Ja . A_beauti eonies k
rose ragrant........ 19 ith it I wis! ris News’ order sent tod s could be t 3 idgard and S rgia, Deli ee cans ee oe : aie
ee : wih? Tels News! came Taliaaee ay. Whi usan Bliss. catissima, Cecil Mi mane Larderganrd ificent f pink sik: 24
inclosed o pies but sens PR eestor and I am so pleased poe hints “ Queen Collecti il Minturn, Whit phigh isi AE {oe iendechnne Cs Sees “he
forbids. Syed wart 5 of ieee a puere are about C ion—$1 71 f ite Quen Pae S shade ‘of rose with# ie ee ee a
, I do want the borg, repens wie. as many, sheaae tints or $1 “ed Group re tis sume he at i
ee, La y, Charti warm, col saa aa se? : :
Biee rder All plants es Niege and Rea ey i ae sar vote to one Tris can be t ive Singles for $3.00" Wily pio A ;
beard. sent post een. , Ing seh Ti |
paid il peige eet aa eae ee oe ime | A grou te
direct to your mail cone. "pol plants. "While Fy most ace oiading of al
boxes} andes it wi e it appreciates to an a
es ae grow anywh dat cate and
‘ood account o: Aes one
t of itself. ler any condit ons
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